Isnin lepas, FIAT YOUTH Bintulu mengadakan Cell Group di rumah saya. Me & mama just prepare simple dishes saja for the youth that nite. The attendance also quite ok kira-kira 20 orang that nite. Our sharing for that nite is base on scripture reading (Galatian 6:1-10) regarding teamwork and helping each other. The reading for that nite telah dibaca oleh Mama Mayr (Bini aku). Everybody share the experience and we enjoy it very much.Lepas to yang paling special ialah we all dapat pray to our friend during the petitions session where one person have to pray to the friend sitting next to them (kiri & kanan). Our Princess Mataehary also join the prayer and keeps reminding me to pray for her babai's yang sakit di Kuching. Masa Parise and Worship which i myself leads that nite Mayr mintak dipeluk & didukung pulak tu...MANJA betul anak aku nih...Anyway the message for that nite is more about to work closely to share the LOVE of GOD and to be a true in our friendship. Geng-geng semua, kalau ada masa bacalah verse itu ok...
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